When do the 2023 grant rounds start and finish?
Applications are currently closed. An update on future grant rounds will be proceded in due course.

How much is awarded at each grant round?
Up to $50,000 in total.

What is the maximum grant application amount per organisation?

If my project requires more than $5000, would you consider awarding a larger grant?
Yes, however the organisation would have to present a strong case that their project would provide a significant “overall benefit to the community.”

Who decides who the grants are awarded to?
The grant selection process is performed by the CC-FNQ Board of Directors. All board members individually assess the grants against the selection criteria. The results are collated and from there discussions are made to select the final recipients. To eliminate any bias, directors must disclose a conflict of interest if they have a direct or indirect association with an organisation.

Can I submit more than one (1) application per grant round?
No. Each organisation can only provide one submission.

If I received a grant in Round 2 in 2022, can I apply for a grant in 2023?

I missed the grant round deadline, will you accept my application?
No. The deadline is strict and all applications must be received by the closure date.

If my grant application was unsuccessful in one grant roudnd, can you hold onto it for the following grant round?
No. Each grant round starts as a “clean slate.” If you wish to re-apply, you must fill out a new application form.

How and when will I find out if I am successful or unsuccessful?
You will be notified via email within one month of the application closure date if your grant has been successful or unsuccessful.

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Bendigo Bank